Dynamic Workforce Planner

Our advanced automated planning engine is a sophisticated solution for optimizing task scheduling.
Powered by cutting-edge algorithms, it seamlessly integrates employee availability, work schedules, and skill sets to ensure the right tasks are assigned to the right team members.
The system dynamically adjusts to real-time changes, such as absences or new task assignments, guaranteeing your plans remain accurate and efficient.
Experience significant time savings, minimize errors, and unlock your team’s full productivity potential with this innovative and intelligent tool.

Laptop with Go-Virtual tools and features

Dynamic Workforce Planner


Auto PLANNING Engine

Automated system that efficiently schedules tasks and resources based on availability, skills, and changing conditions


Timetables | Absences | competences

Simple follow-up and graphical overviews of resource work rosters, absences and competencies



Comprehensive data processing and reporting of planning data, calculation and HR evaluation



The possibility of more than 10 different planning options in one solution makes planning within your organization easier.
Being able to create a correct planning increases efficiency, which in turn promotes cost reduction and customer satisfaction.


Monitor with tracking status

  • Operational planning
  • By using two integrated Dispatch Planners, you can quickly and easily draw up detailed daily and weekly planning for all your employees, logistics and subcontractors.
    Both Dispatcher Planners take into account timetables, absences, competences, profiles, …
    Dispatcher R: drag ’n drop employees, logistics and subcontractors on projects or project needs.
    Dispatcher P: drag ’n drop projects on employees, logistics and subcontractors.
  • Field Service Planning
  • Automatic planning of installations, maintenance, … Our algorithms help to schedule all orders quickly and efficiently.
    This results in an optimal employee planning as well as route planning.
  • Transport planning
  • Timely delivery of logistics and materials.
    Easy planning and real time follow-up of all necessary transports of logistics and materials between all projects.
  • Time Registration
  • Automate your employees’ working time registration via our mobile app. Hours worked can be recorded with the START | STOP or manually input feature. Using the START | STOP feature makes it easier to keep track of the real-time hours worked by employees.
  • Mobility
  • Trip registration (distance and time) by using the mobile device’s GPS.
    ‍Register who’s driving and who’s a passenger to calculate the correct wages.
    By using Google Maps, a map view of the traveled route is available.
  • Check In At Work
  • Stop manually registering and correcting your checkinatwork registrations on the rsz website!
    Thanks to our automated solutions you no longer have to worry about the checkinatwork registrations and they save you a lot of valuable time.
  • Digital Workorder
  • After digitally recording working hours, used materials, notes, checklists, photos … your employees can compile a digital report of the work performed. Once your customer has digitally signed it, all data is sent back to SOLUTIO ERM and the customers automatically receives an overview in their mailbox.
  • Messaging System
  • Send Messages to colleagues. Messages are immediately visible in the app and colleagues are notified by push notification.
    Message system includes log functionalities and real-time status tracking (sent, read, confirmed).

work rosters | absences | competences

Onsite time tracking has never been easier.
Put an end to time sheets on paper. Our mobile app allows your onsite employees to easily record working times. Both individually and for an entire crew. The tool automatically assigns the times to the corresponding projects and tasks.
Registered working hours, locations and activities are digitally transferred to your office for real-time billing and daily reporting. At the same time, the processed data can be shared with all project participants and other business tools.


Many types of automatic data processing according to your business processes.

All SOLUTIO data can be exported by using web services (‘Get connectors’) and|or multiple report formats.


tablet with work order

  • Recalculation
  • Planned data (employees, logistics, subcontractors…), registered hours, mobility, materials used, intervention reports, … all this data can be made available by means of web services or other export forms.
    The use of these options speeds up and simplifies manual processing so that the necessary insights are obtained faster and the invoicing process is accelerated.
  • HR hours evaluation
  • SOLUTIO will perform the necessary automatic calculations on the basis of registered data (working hours and mobility) for the distribution of working hours (maximum number of overtime hours per week | month | year, night work, weekend work, guard duty, overnight stay …) according to sector rules and internal agreements. The automatic calculation of the mobility allowance (passenger, driver, …) is also part of this functionality.µ
    These automatic calculations result in the creation of the necessary documents for the social bureau for the effective salary calculation.
  • Reporting
  • A set of standard reports is available in SOLUTIO. Ranging from graphical planning views, availability of employees (short term | long term), registered hours, materials used, …). When using your own reporting tools (Power BI, QlikView, Crystal Reports, …); it’s easy to export all data from SOLUTIO to bring your own views to life.

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