Our advanced automated planning engine is a sophisticated solution for optimizing task scheduling.
Powered by cutting-edge algorithms, it seamlessly integrates employee availability, work schedules, and skill sets to ensure the right tasks are assigned to the right team members.
The system dynamically adjusts to real-time changes, such as absences or new task assignments, guaranteeing your plans remain accurate and efficient.
Experience significant time savings, minimize errors, and unlock your team’s full productivity potential with this innovative and intelligent tool.
Auto PLANNING Engine
Automated system that efficiently schedules tasks and resources based on availability, skills, and changing conditions
Timetables | Absences | competences
Simple follow-up and graphical overviews of resource work rosters, absences and competencies
Comprehensive data processing and reporting of planning data, calculation and HR evaluation
The possibility of more than 10 different planning options in one solution makes planning within your organization easier.
Being able to create a correct planning increases efficiency, which in turn promotes cost reduction and customer satisfaction.
Onsite time tracking has never been easier.
Put an end to time sheets on paper. Our mobile app allows your onsite employees to easily record working times. Both individually and for an entire crew. The tool automatically assigns the times to the corresponding projects and tasks.
Registered working hours, locations and activities are digitally transferred to your office for real-time billing and daily reporting. At the same time, the processed data can be shared with all project participants and other business tools.
Many types of automatic data processing according to your business processes.
All SOLUTIO data can be exported by using web services (‘Get connectors’) and|or multiple report formats.